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Default: 20cm (LR-RCA4S)


The FIIO LR-RCA4 is a high-quality analog interconnect that allows you to send an analog signal from a source such as a CD player, DAC or streamer to an amplifier or a set of active speakers. This interlink has a length of 20, 80 or 150 centimeters, and is equipped with high quality RCA connectors and is also optimally shielded so that it delivers the best possible performance under all conditions.

The cabling is made up of a flexible core of high-quality silver-plated conductors so that the cable can be guided effortlessly from point A to point B. To prevent disruption of the analog signal due to interference, the cabling is shielded with PVC, Graphene and HDPE and provided with a luxurious braided sheath.

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