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Default: 20cm (LR-RCA5S)


The FIIO LR-RCA1 is a high-quality digital interconnect with which you send a coaxial digital S/PDIF signal from a digital source such as a Hi-Fi streamer, PC sound card or CD drive to an external DAC or a set of active speakers. This interlink has a length of 20, 80 or 150 centimetres, an impedance of 75 Ohm, is equipped with high-quality RCA connectors and is also optimally shielded so that it delivers the best possible performance under all conditions.

The cable is constructed with a supple core of silver-plated conductors so that the cable can be effortlessly guided from point A to point B. To prevent disruption of the analog signal due to interference, the cabling is shielded with PVC, Graphene and HDPE and provided with a luxurious braided sheath.

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