Final Type E Silicone Eartips

Make a choice: Super Small - 6 pieces
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Type E Silicone Eartips

Type E Silicone Eartips

0,00 19,90

Type E Silicone Eartips

0,00 19,90
Default: Super Small - 6 pieces

Final Type E Silicone Eartips

When talking about how airtight a product is, there is a close relationship between the feel of bass tones and sound insulation. It is possible to achieve what could be termed a perfect fit, irrespective of the size of the wearer’s auditory canal. There is a close relationship between the airtight level of the product, bass tones and sound insulation; depending on the earpieces chosen, it is possible to considerably change the bass volume and sound insulation.

Many consider the Final Audio Type E earpiece to be the pinnacle of silicon eartip design.

Final Audio Type E Silicone Eartips - sizes

  • LL = height 10mm, outer diameter 13mm – color: black
  • L = height 10mm, outer diameter 12mm – color: black
  • M = height 9.5mm, outer diameter 11mm – color: black
  • S = height 9mm, outer diameter 10mm – color: black
  • SS = height 9mm, outer diameter 9mm – color: black

Note: Due to hygienic reasons, this product can no longer be returned with a broken seal under the right of withdrawal! Unopened packaging may of course be returned.

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