Grado Labs Mini Adaptor Cable

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Mini Adaptor Cable

Mini Adaptor Cable

0,00 25,00

Mini Adaptor Cable

0,00 25,00
Default: 4 conductor

Grado Labs X-Series Mini Adaptor Cable

Mini adaptor cable that converts a 1/4 inch (6.3mm) plug to 1/8 inch (3.5mm) plug. The mini adaptor cable has a 1/8 inch (3.5mm) plug then 8 inches (20cm) of cable connected to a 1/4 inch (6.3mm) jack. The 8 inches (20cm) of cable eliminates added leverage on the output circuit board of the source. The X-Series mini adaptor cable is constructed of the same super annealed copper wire as the headphone cables, with braided sheathing. Grado guarantees no degradation of sonic quality with Grado headphones while using their mini adaptor cable.

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