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With SOtM iSO-CAT6, feel and enjoy the genuine music sound going beyond the limit of PC audio or network audio systems.

Almost all the audiophiles would have experienced of tuning the audio system with variety of cables or accessories in order to enhance sound quality. Particularly, those people who have number of sound tuning experiences should be well aware of facts that the sound effect attributable to tuning accessories or the cable’s type are all distinctively unique and different.

Above all, the sounds from those devices such as PC or network file players are more sensitively affected by the accessories like cables directly connected to system devices. Those esteemed audiophiles using the PC based on SOtM’s tX-USBexp or SATA & FAN filter should have experienced outstanding sound performance with quite unique and different SOtM way beyond and above the conventional types of sound improvement using cables or tuning accessories.

Such state-of-art method allows obtaining perfect sound improvement, no sound tuning, approaching to the sound enhancing solution in a way eliminating the elements impeding good sound focusing on electric-electronic technology point, which can be experienced with most of SOtM accessory products. Unlike the sound tuning process of simple replacing aged components such as electrolytic capacitors, the sound changes made by using SOtM’s unique tuning does not allow any comparison by any standards with other conventional sound improvement procedures.

While LAN port is the one of elements many users consider as highly important, the fact with which the noise interference created by LAN port has enormous effect to system sound in reality is quite often overlooked. Perhaps, even while reading this information, there may be certain question as to how the LAN port would have any interference on sound, people would soon feel the difference in sound improvement by using the iSO-CAT6 understanding what the core elements are in configuring a high-end audio sound system using LAN port.

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